Monday, November 7, 2011

Care to take a stab at this dream?

my friend, your dream sounds like the ones that i have when i have been under extreme stress. your life has been a living hell for the last few weeks. how could you expect your mind not to run away and play havoc while you sleep. in your dream there are elements of danger, unsure alliances and quest for a new start by waking up. you seem to crave new order in the world in a more sensible life. a life in which things are organized and set up so that you can do what you need to do and husbands would help and understand. children are loving and obedient because they know you love them. your dreams come tumbling out of a tortured existence right now. do what you can. peoples expectations of you are burying you . one day at a time to center yourself and be able to cope again is what you need. retreat to your very soul for solitude and time to heal. ban your thoughts of suicide, you know that is not your answer. lean on God and his guidance. not social workers, no elders, just Him and you. love,life and hope,M

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