Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Based on my symptoms, what's going on?

Wow, I don't get to say this, too often. Bright yellow mucous is a good sign. It indicates that your sinus infection is clearing up nicely. The phlegm, the cough and the sore throat are more than likely the result of post-nasal drip. ( a fancy way doctors have of saying the snot is draining from your sinus cavity into the back of your throat... gross, but I bet you can breathe a little better through the nose, huh. ) The fever and ague are typical of somebody on the tail end of what sounds like it was a pretty serious infection. However, as minor as " sinus infection " sounds, it is still an infection, and the sinus cavity is pretty darn close to the brain. Take your meds, and if you still aren't feeling better in about 3 days, back to the doctor. With H1N1 running rampant, this is a bad time to be sick. Don't take any chances. If you're feeling that bad, have mom take you back. Better safe than sorry.

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